Super Vale Digital

by Capemisa Capitalização S/A



SUPER VALE - Certificate of ContributionBuy Super Vale online, its very easy. You acquire a certificate with 20 combinations that will compete for weekly prizes.The monitoring of the draw is online by the APP itself or by TV Cidade, every Sunday at 9 am.By acquiring this Certificate of Contribution, you contribute to SE TOQUE - Cancer Prevention and Support Group, helping to prevent cancer and provide a humanized reception to cancer patients, which can be consulted on the website Promotion of SE TOUCH - CANCER SUPPORT AND PREVENTION GROUP with free distribution of prizes through sweepstakes backed by Single Payment Incentive Savings Bonds, guaranteed by CAPEMISA CAPITALIZATION S/A, CNPJ 14.056.028/0001-55 - SUSEP Processes nos. 15414.901338.2016-61 and 15414.901339.2016-14.The approval of this Capitalization Bond by SUSEP does not imply, on the part of the Autarchy, an incentive or recommendation for its acquisition, it represents, exclusively, its adequacy to the rules in force. The contractual conditions/regulation of Capitalization Bonds filed by the company/entity at SUSEP can be consulted at the electronic address, according to the process number contained in the policy/proposal.SUPER VALE is a Certificate of Contribution that cooperates with the development and funding of assistance programs through SE TOQUE. When you buy your SUPER VALE, you compete for valuable prizes and generate resources for the SE TOQUE of Ipatinga.Central Office Ipatinga/MGAv. Brazil, 85 - IguaƧu NeighborhoodPhone: (31) 3821-2516Email: [email protected]